B.E., M.Tech.,Ph.D

Dr. Goutham D R

Dr. Goutham D R

Asst. Professor
Dept. of Civil, AIT Campus, AIT, Jyothinagara, Chikkamagluru 577 102


Qualification Specialization In the Year
BE CIVIL Engneering, AIT Chikmagalur 2013
M.Tech Computer Aided Design of Structures (CADS), MCE Hassan 2015
Ph.D Geotechnical Engineering, MCE Hassan, VTU Belagam 2025

Professional Body Membership


Research Interest

  • Soil Stabilization
  • Structural reliability



  1. Goutham D.R. and A.J. Krishnaiah, “Prediction of unconfined compressive strength of expansive soil amended with bagasse ash and lime using artificial neural network,” Journal of Soft Computing in Civil Engineering, 8(1), pp.33-54, 2024. https://doi.org/10.22115/SCCE.2023.367214.1545. (Q1, SCOPUS Indexed)
  2. Goutham D.R. and A.J. Krishnaiah, “Shrinkage and Strength Characteristics of Expansive Soil Amended with Bagasse Ash and Lime,” Revista Ingeniería de Construcción, 38(3), pp.437-447, 2023. https://doi.org/10.7764/RIC.00082.21. (Q3, SCOPUS & WoS Indexed)
  3. Goutham D.R. and A.J. Krishnaiah, “Prediction of failure for a slender reinforced concrete column using reliability analysis,” Indian Concrete Journal, 96(9), pp.41-47, 2022. (Q3, SCOPUS Indexed)
  4. Goutham D.R., A.J. Krishnaiah and Pranathi B., “Advancements in Effective Black Cotton Soil Stabilization: A Review,” ADBU Journal of Engineering Technology, 10(4), pp.1-8, 2021. (UGC CARE: Group 1)
  5. Goutham D.R. and A.J. Krishnaiah “Application of artificial neural networking technique to predict the geotechnical aspects of expansive soil: A review,” International Journal of Engineering and Manufacturing, 11(6), pp. 48-53, 2021. https://doi.org/10.5815/ijem.2021.06.05.
  6. Goutham D.R. and A.J. Krishnaiah “Improvement in Geotechnical Properties of Expansive Soil Using Various Stabilizers: A Review,” International Journal of Engineering and Manufacturing, 10(5), pp. 18-27, 2020. https://doi.org/ 10.5815/ijem.2020.05.02.
  7. Goutham D.R. et al. “Experimental Investigation on Expansive Soil Stabilized Using Bagasse Ash,” International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 8(6), pp. 6728-6733, 2019. DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2019.0806032.
  8. Goutham D.R. et al. “Experimental Investigation on Expansive Soil Stabilized Using Coir Fibre,” International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering Research, 7(1), pp. 65-70, 2019.
  9. Goutham D.R. et al. “Effect of Soil Structure Interaction on High Rise Building using ETABS,” International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering Research, 6(1), pp. 165-172, 2018.
  10. Goutham D.R. et al. “Prediction of Reliability Index and Probability of Failure for Reinforced Concrete Beam Subjected To Flexure,” International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 6(5), pp. 8616-8622, 2017, DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2017.0605218.
  11. Goutham D.R. and K.Manjunath, “Reliability analysis of grid floor slabs,” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(6), pp. 1876-1880, 2016.