Undergraduate Program

Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science)

The department of Computer Science and Engineering (DATA SCIENCE) was established in the Academic year 2022-2023 with an intake of 60 students. Data Science can be defined as a multi-disciplinary stream that extracts insights from structured and unstructured data using scientific methods, processes, algorithms, and systems. In technical language, Data Science unifies statistics, data analysis, and machine learning to understand and analyze actual phenomena through data.

Data Science employs techniques and theories from fields such as mathematics and statistics along with computer science and information science. The main 3 components involved in data science are organizing, packaging, and delivering data. Data Science analyses data and the results of that analysis are used to draw conclusions and make decisions on it.


To build competent Engineers in the stream of Data Science to cope up with the challenges of changing industry standards by facilitating learning activities to cater the societal and personal needs.


  • To provide aspired technical education in the field of Data science by creating a learning ambience aiding towards originality and innovation.
  • To establish industry academia interaction to familiarize with needs of the industry and providing exposure to the students in latest tools and technology.
  • To inculcate moral ethics in students enabling them to become socially committed professionals with leadership qualities.

Department Info

Department of Computer Sciences and Engineering (Data Science)

HOD: Dr. Adarsh M J

UG Intake: 60

+91-9886665586 | adarshmj@aitckm.in

  • To achieve competence in fundamentals of Data Science concepts to address the ever changing industry requirements.
  • To enrich students to acquire skills needed by the industry and evolve with changing technology landscapes.
  • The students are able to use advanced tools and technologies which will enable them to adapt to real world projects with effective communication skills.
  • The graduates will exhibit high standards of social and professional ethics in pursuing higher education and research and persevere the essence of lifelong learning in the field of Data Science Engineering.

Data Science: Job Roles

  1. Big Data Engineer: Big data engineers develop, maintain, test, and evaluate big data solutions within organizations.

  2. Machine Learning Engineer: Machine learning engineers have to design and implement machine learning applications/algorithms to address business challenges.

  3. Data Engineer/Data Architect: Data engineers/architects develop, construct, test, and maintain highly scalable data management systems.

  4. Data Scientist: Data scientists have to understand the challenges of business and offer the best solutions using data analysis and data processing.

  5. Statistician: The statistician interprets the results, along with strategic recommendations or incisive predictions, using data visualization tools or reports.

  6. Data Analysts: Data analysts are involved in data manipulations and data visualization.

  7. Business Analysts: Business analysts use predictive, prescriptive, and descriptive analyses to transform complex data into easily understood actionable insights for the users.

The department has good infrastructure with state-of-the-art laboratories, well-equipped classrooms, a central library with subscriptions to reputed journals and E Magazines along with adequate number of books. The Department has collaboration with Industry to train students according to the corporate standards. The Department has well trained and experienced faculties who will guide students to excel in this competitive world and orient them towards their dreams.

Every student’s academic journey is unique. How each chooses to take advantage of the opportunities to learn, grow, and flourish varies. Our alumni are passionate life-long learners and driven leaders, making a difference in the information field.