Department of Information Science & Engineering


Staff_ID Title with page no. Journal ISBN/ISBN No. Whether peer peer reviewed? Impact factor if any? No. of Co- authors Whether you are you are the main author?
Prediction of Diagnostic Codes of Chronic Condition for Preventive Care, pp. 6454 – 6463 International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 2005-4238 3.21 3 No
An Overview on Disease Prediction for Preventive Care of Health Deterioration International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology 2249 – 8958 2.35 3 No
Classification of Diagnostic Codes of Chronic Condition and Performance Evaluation of Various Approaches International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) 2.33 3 No
Performance Dependency Analysis Of Fuzzy Logic Based Edge Detection On Membership Function International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology 1.23 2 Yes
Quality improvement of night captured images using filtering techniques International Journal of Emerging Research in Management & Technology 2.44 2 Yes
Determinism Modeling of PVM Non Deterministic Actions, Page No: 15-20 International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 1.95 2 Yes
Performance Comparison of Row per Slave and Rows Set per Slave Method in PVM based Parallel Matrix Multiplication,Page no 248-253 International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology (IJRET), 2.05 2 Yes
Performance Evaluation and Comparison of Message Passing Interface and Parallel Virtual Machine,pp 200-206 International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering 1.25 2 Yes
Secured Outsourcing and Computation for Linear Programming in Cloud Scenario,PP 1-7 International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Research Excellence 1.33 3 Yes
Evaluation of Parallel Applications Performance Dependency on RAM using PVM International Journal of Computer Science and Computer Networks (IJCSCN), 1.22 2 Yes
Performance Analysis & Evaluation of Parallel Applications using Cluster Based Parallel Computing Frameworks International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Research Excellence (IJCSITRE) 1.45 2 Yes
Semantic Query-Featured Ensemble Learning Model for SQL-Injection Attack Detection in IoT-Ecosystems,Page(s): 1057 – 1074 IEEE Transactions on Reliability–2022 0018-9529 5.83 2 No
Feistel assisted Substitution and Permutation Model for Dynamic Keying Driven Block-Ciphered Hybrid Lightweight Encryption System for IoT Security Scientific Reports – Nature Journal 2045-2322 4.996 2 No
Statistical Channel Model and Systematic Random Linear Network Coding Based QoS Oriented and Energy Efficient UWSN Routing Protocol,PP-01 to 25 Journal of Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute 2590 4.614 4 Yes
Time Critical Appliction and Design Issues in Underwater Sensor Network International Journal of Computing and Corporate Research 2249-054X 0.25 2 Yes
Effective Security and Energy Aware Approach for Performance Augmentation of Underwater Sensor Networks,pp 658 -662 International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research 2229-5518 1.25 2 Yes
Integration of Dynamic Security for Lifetime Enhancement in Underwater Sensor Networks SSRN Elsevier SSRN-3340315 1.01 2 Yes
Hospital and Doctor Recommendation Using Machine Learning and NLP, pp 199-201 International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Topics [IJRAMT-2021], 2350-0743 0.22 2 No
Smart Presentation Control by Hand Gestures Using Computer Vision and Google’s Mediapipe, pp 2657-2662 International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), 2395-0056 7.59 2 No
ISAP01 Survey on Techniques of Dta Mining and its Applications”,page no-198-201 International Journal of Emerging Research in Management & Technology 2278-9359 1 yes
ISAP03 Survey on Techniques of Dta Mining and its Applications”,page no-198-201 International Journal of Emerging Research in Management & Technology 2278-9359
ISAP04 “An online voting system using biometric fingerprint and Aadhaar card”:87-92. IJCAT International Journal of Computing and Technology 1.4 (2014): 2348-6090 0.835 3 Yes
Performance Evaluation for Building a Predictive Model on Diabetic Health Record using PySpark International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT 2320-2882 7.97 1 Yes
ISAP09 Performance Dependency Analysis Of Fuzzy Logic Based Edge Detection On Membership Function” International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET), 2789-4589 5.38 3 Yes
Quality improvement of night captured images using filtering techniques International” International Journal of Emerging Research in Management & Technology (IJERMT) 2.34 2 Yes
Optimization of fuzzy logic based edge detection of noisy images using filtering techniques” International Journal of Advanced Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IJAEEE) 1.4 1 Yes